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Shad Khan: Gus Bradley-David Caldwell right for Jags

London will be treated to the winless Jacksonville Jaguarson Sunday, not exactly what Shad Khan had in mind when the season began.

"Obviously, if you're a Jaguars fan, we want to do better," the team owner said this week, via The Florida Times-Union. "But we know the process we started, which is pretty much starting from the ground up, cleaning house and doing something ... we probably should have started earlier."

Said Khan: "We've got to get more talent. But I definitely feel we're moving in the right direction. Status quo -- maintaining what we had -- was not an option."

We've said this before: Jacksonville lacks playmakers, but we see plenty to like in coach Gus Bradley and general manager David Caldwell. Both men deserve time and patience to craft a team from the wreckage they inherited.

"I thought Dave and Gus were absolutely the two right guys for the job," said Khan, "and as the season has unfolded, if I could be convinced more, I am."

Too many bottom-feeders stay in the dark because they continually churn through coaches and front-office men, starting over time and again. Khan, thinking long term, is sticking with his guys.

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