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Fox has no problem running Tebow-geared offense for years

There's nothing pretty about how the Broncos have been winning games, but John Fox isn't complaining.

'Playbook' special on Tebow

A special edition of the

NFL Network program, "Playbook", will focus exclusively on Tim Tebow, and how the QB continues to pull out thrilling wins for the Broncos. It will air Saturday, Dec. 3 at 10:30 p.m. ET.

The coach didn't flinch when faced with the task of translating quarterback Tim Tebow's unique skill set into a workable offensive strategy. And Fox's willingness to adapt has been a key reason behind Denver's unlikely run of five wins in their last six games.

When asked Monday if he could see himself running the same type of offense in Denver for nine years (the same amount of time he spent as coach of the Panthers), Fox was ready to sign off.

"Hopefully the reason you last nine years is because you win," Fox said during his news conference. "People don't give you style points; they just look at your record. I might be a little grayer, maybe not as much hair by then, but if I can last nine years here, I don't care how it happened, I'd be happy."

In other Tebow-related news, someone put Jake Plummer back on his soap box. The former Broncos quarterback and current Idaho resident still wants Tebow to cool it with all the religious talk. Luckily for radio listeners in Denver, Jake "The Snake" found a new way to express this stance through the help of a poignant childhood memory.

"I can think back to when I was a kid watching sports -- me and my brothers were big sports fans -- it always seemed to trivialize that importance of a relationship of that sort that people had with Jesus Christ or with God," Plummer told KDSP-FM on Monday. "Whatever it was, it seemed to be an inappropriate place to bring it up after a football game or a basketball game or whatever, but I am not dissing the guy for his beliefs. He obviously is a good kid. He's got a lot of strong morals and values –- it's just I'll TiVo it and then I'll mute it."

We're glad Jake got that one off his chest. Now we cross our fingers and hope Tebow calls a radio station to mock Plummer's use of TiVo -- the AOL mail of digital recording devices.