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Drew Brees deflects Terry Bradshaw's criticism of him

After Drew Brees made NFL history Sunday night by throwing a touchdown pass in his 48th consecutive game, most were happy for the New Orleans Saints quarterback.

After all, it was a lonely bright spot during the team's 1-4 start, and Brees ranks among the league's more affable fellows.

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But Terry Bradshaw, the Hall of Fame quarterback, wasn't impressed with Brees, telling WFAN's listening audience: "(The record) didn't blow me away. I'm not much on that stuff ... I'm not into records, fellas. I'm just into winning football games."

Thanks for your thoughts, Terry.

Bradshaw also expressed agitation at the sight of coaches Sean Payton and Joe Vitt and general manager Mickey Loomis watching Brees in action from a corner of the Superdome. All three are serving league-mandated suspensions stemming from the bounty case, and Bradshaw argued it was unnecessary for Brees to pull the trio out of hiding, saying "I just don't believe in doing stuff like that."

Brees refused to fan the flames when asked about Bradshaw's buzz-killing spree on Thursday's edition of "NFL AM."

"I haven't heard his comments directly," Brees said, "but there's no person who's a bigger part of that record than Sean Payton, Mickey Loomis, Joe Vitt -- all the coaches on suspension right now. I felt it was very appropriate for them to be there because they are as big a part of that as anybody, and it really made for a special night, a historic night. I was really glad they could be a part of it."

Despite the sheer electricity of this highly relevant dialogue, we're going to end this post now -- and move on.

Follow Marc Sessler on Twitter @MarcSesslerNFL.