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Yes, that was Jerome Simpson with an awesomely bad flop

Was that Jerome Simpson or Thierry Henry in the No. 89 Bengals uniform?

We ask because, honestly, what Simpson did during Sunday's game against the Browns made us wonder for a second if maybe he thought he was playing in an MLS match.

Let's set this up: A scrum breaks out for a loose ball after Bengals quarterback Andy Dalton is sacked and fumbles. Simpson enters the picture and circles around the pile until he grabs Scott Fujita by the feet, then drags the Browns linebacker out of the scrum.

Now comes the bad acting -- an awesomely bad flop like no other. Fujita gets up and charges at Simpson but pulls up and barely touches him. But that doesn't stop Simpson from launching himself as though he'd just stepped on a land mine. Referee throws the flag; mission accomplished (though there were offsetting penalties).

Fujita couldn't believe it. Neither could we.

Seriously, the NBA flop king himself, Vlade Divac, would be impressed by this ridiculousness.

It's unfortunate the CBS broadcast failed to provide a replay of a different angle, but our video department took the liberty to show just how impressive (and by "impressive" we mean terrible) Simpson's flop looks in slow motion.