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Why You Must Follow Rob Gronkowski On Social Media

For the past eight seasons, New England Patriots TE Rob Gronkowski has been the face of the franchise, alongside QB Tom Brady. When Gronkowski is on the field, the Patriots offense clicks on all cylinders. This season, Gronk ended the regular season with 69 receptions, 1,084 receiving yards, and 8 touchdowns.

Gronk being Gronk is something that occurs quite regularly. From spiking a football to going crazy during a WWE event, Gronkowski is a true character. If you can't get enough of the hilarious TE, you have to follow his Twitter and Instagram. These images epitomize Gronk and his persona.

Gronk being Gronk.

If you want to see Gronkowski shirtless, then today is your lucky day.

He's got some great costumes.

Gronk will spike anything, anywhere and at any time.