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Welker's model fiancee has eased Super Bowl prep

Having a smokin' hot fiancée is one thing. Having a smokin' hot fiancée who empathizes with the pressure you face in preparing for the Super Bowl and will go out of her way to ease your stress? Even better.

Such is the life of Patriots wide receiver Wes Welker.

Darlington: Funny man Welker

The Pats' locker room isn't known for personalities being welcomed, but Jeff Darlington writes how Wes Welker is changing that one joke at a time. **More ...**

Don't believe us? It's all in a Boston Herald story from Thursday in which Welker's bride-to-be, Miss Hooters International 2005 Anna Burns, shared what her role has been in preparing Welker for Sunday's big game against the Giants.

“This is the year of rings,” Burns told the newspaper. “Every little girl’s dream is to get married, and every little boy’s is to play in the Super Bowl and win.”

Burns' part in hopefully making that dream come true for Welker: She's cooked his favorite meals, turkey tacos and eggplant parmigiana, the last 10 days; she's given him full control of the TV remote; she hasn't pestered him with any small talk; and all season long, she's been driving 27 miles every Wednesday to the nearest Whole Foods to pick up Welker's favorite tofu burrito.

Oh, and Burns will be there for Super Sunday sporting a custom-made moustache T-shirt in honor of her fiance's facial hair.

All along, we've been under the impression that Tom Brady has it the best on the Patriots. Not so fast.