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'To tha choppah!' Forte does a mean Schwarzenegger

In the competition of celebrity impressions that are the most fun to do, Arnold remains king.

Look at it from this perspective: Everybody does an Arnold. Some better than others, but we've all punched the clock at some point. It helps that Schwarzenegger -- that's the Arnold I refer to, obviously -- was once the Biggest Movie Star On The Planet, anchoring a litany of films that weren't always good -- I'm looking at you Batman & Robin -- but were always memorable. Except Eraser. Nobody remembers *Eraser*.

Anyway, here's Jets running back Matt Forte going through many of Arnold's greatest lines. Forte's best work doesn't even come from a line, rather it's the "Eagaaagggghhh" Schwarzenegger sometimes uses to punctuate and exclamation. Enjoy ...

And now, just to kill 10 more minutes before Thursday Night Football, here are Arnold's greatest hits. Reminder: This guy was also a two-term governor of California. Excuse me, Cal-ee--fawn-ya.