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Tim Tebow wishes Boomer Esiason luck in 'announcing'

We were all witness Monday to some green-on-green crime, when Boomer Esiason suggested on his radio show that the New York Jets should cut Tim Tebow.

Another player might take Esiason's criticism as an insult worthy of a scathing retort. But this is Tim Tebow we're talking about -- a man whose every sound bite sounds as if it's been filtered through some kind of "Leave It To Beaver" thought-processor.

"I've heard nothing but great things about Mr. Esiason," Tebow said. "I wish him nothing but the best in his announcing. God bless him."

(Seriously, is Tim Tebow messing with us? Mr. Esiason? I wish him nothing but the best in his announcing? Who talks like this?)

Esiason is largely on an island with his latest comments, which makes sense. The retired QB even got into a fun little tweef (Twitter + beef) with New York Daily News Jets beat writer Manish Mehta, who drew Esiason's ire by claiming Tebow is already the best left-handed quarterback in Jets history.

This is why the Internet was invented.