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Tim Tebow supports student's graduation 'Tebowing'

It's Saturday, which means we're destined for a Tim Tebow piece completely absent of Xs and Os.

This week, 17-year-old high school senior Chuck Shriner was temporarily denied his diploma after Tebowing during his graduation ceremony at Bishop Verot High, a private Catholic school in Fort Myers, Fla.

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The audience loved it, but school administrators, grouchy as ever, dropped a hammer. Shriner was told to take a seat.

"They said what I did would give underclassmen inspiration to do something else, that it might lead to something else," Shriner told the Naples Daily News. "So they were trying to set an example."

Nice try: "Moment in my life I'll never forget," Shriner wrote on his Facebook page after the incident, "getting my diploma taken away for doing the Tebow on stage in front of (principal John) Cavell. So worth it."

When Tebow caught wind of this mildly ponderous incident, the New York Jets quarterback defended the young man.

"I don't think his diploma should be withheld," Tebow told the New York Daily News. "I think it was probably something a lot of people laughed at. I don't know that it was necessarily appropriate, but I definitely think he should be able to graduate."

Well, everyone, he did. In perhaps the most enjoyable nugget to this drifting epic, Shriner had to sweep the school gymnasium after graduation to earn his diploma.

By the way, here's a great piece about the pro passing game.