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Tim Tebow calls New York teen injured in car accident

Responding to a viral campaign started Monday evening on Twitter, New York Jets quarterback Tim Tebow called an upstate New York teen who was seriously injured in a car accident, according to ESPN's Rich Cimini.

Matt Hardy, a 17-year-old Shenendehowa High School student, suffered a concussion and broken bones in a car accident that killed two fellow students, according to reports. A driver in the other vehicle failed sobriety tests at the scene.

Shortly after the accident, the hashtag #TebowCallMatt trended nationally on Twitter. Before long, more than 50,000 Twitter users had retweeted the hashtag, according to Cimini.

The word got to Tebow, who called Hardy just two hours after the hashtag was first posted. Hardy's brother, Michael, tweeted: "TIM TEBOW JUST GOT OFF THE PHONE WITH MATT! SUCH A CLASS ACT!!"

Tebow later took to Twitter to discuss the call.

It's been a difficult season on the field for Tebow, but that doesn't seem to have changed who he is.

Follow Dan Hanzus on Twitter @DanHanzus.