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Super Bowl L bid: San Francisco vs. Miami

The battle to host Super Bowl L is coming down to the wire, with both San Francisco and Miami vying for the honor of hosting the 50th Super Bowl.

Each city has its fair share of merits, a prominent position on one of America's coasts, and rich football history to boot.

How can we, much less the NFL owners, possibly decide?

There is really one fair, scientific way to make this happen. We need to take them to the grid!

And without further ado ...

The final verdict? It came down to the wire, but San Francisco just edged out Miami by a score of seven to five. Which is fortunate because rumor has it San Francisco is the lead dog to win the bid after all. But if the owners need a little help, they know they can find it on the grid.

Alex Gelhar filled in for Adam Rank to write this edition of the Gridiron Breakdown. You can follow him on Twitter @alexgelhar. Adam will be back to write more Gridiron Breakdowns soon, but if you can't wait that long check him out on the latest "Dave Dameshek Football Program". You can also follow Adam on Twitter. He's taking us to lunch if he gets 25 more Twitter followers today. So do it.