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Suggs: Big Ben will-he-or-won't-he not fooling anyone

Ben Roethlisberger returned to practice on Monday. Steelers coach Mike Tomlin acknowledged his quarterback "could" play against the Ravens in Week 9. Roethlisberger was limited in practice Wednesday, but center Maurkice Pouncey told NFL Network's Aditi Kinkhabwala that the quarterback is "looking great." We all know where this is headed.

Roethlisberger has been great at a lot of things over the course of his fine career, and making "surprising" injury comebacks ranks right near the top of the list. The idea of Big Ben actually sitting out Sunday's game is about equal to the chances Neil O'Donnell gets inducted into the Steelers Ring of Honor.

Ravens linebacker Terrell Suggs has had a front-row seat for many of Roethlisberger's miracle recoveries. Let's just say he's not spending the week devouring Landry Jones tape.

"I seen this movie before," Suggs said Wednesday, according to Kinkhabwala. "We all know who's playing."

"Tell Ben he's not fooling anyone."

Roethlisberger has gained something of a reputation for embellishing the severity of injuries. Suggs wasn't going to get lured into that conversation, however.

"You can't call a man who has two Super Bowl rings a drama queen."

But I can! Actually no, I won't. My body would be liquified flesh if it took the beating Roethlisberger has over the past dozen years. See you on Sunday, Ben.