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Someone You Should Know: NFL Play 60 Super Kid Marlo Mosley

Name: Marlo Mosley

Age: 11

Hometown: San Jose, Calif.

Youth football team: Pop Warner, South Valley Grizzlies

Question: Marlo, congratulations on the honor of being the 2016 NFL PLAY 60 Super Kid! You won the Super Kid contest because of your commitment to physical activity and healthy eating. Why is it important for kids like you to live a healthy lifestyle?

Answer: I think it's important for other kids like me to live a healthy lifestyle because those types of things help your body grow stronger, healthier, and help you stay fit! Eating healthy can also give you the vitamins your body needs every day.

Q: Tell us more about your role as Super Kid. What are you most looking forward to as Super Kid during Super Bowl week?

A: I am really looking forward to handing the game ball off to the ref before Super Bowl 50! I am also excited to meet great NFL players and talking to them about what it's like to play a professional sport, especially since I play tackle football as well. I also look forward to going to the NFL Women's Summit! It encourages women to be involved in sports and take action. One of the individuals who will be there is Dr. Jen Welter!! She has inspired me ever since the Arizona Cardinals hired her because I want to do the same thing as her. I want to become a head coach in the NFL.

Q: How do you stay active and PLAY 60? What activities do you participate during the football offseason?

A: I PLAY 60 by playing football or basketball outside with my dad! I love them both! I also play both sports at school with my friends. Sometimes we like to run routes at school or play a regular game. I play quarterback at my school because people on my team think I have a good arm. I also play wide receiver on a tackle football team with all boys. My favorite thing is scoring touchdowns or just making big plays on the field. During the offseason of football, I just play basketball in my driveway with my dad. My school doesn't have actual sports teams but next year I'm going to middle school and would like to try out for their basketball team!

Q: What role does football play in your life?

A: Football has always played a HUGE role in my life ever since I was eight and my dad took me to a 49ers-Dolphins game. That's when I started getting into football. Then, I went to school and asked my friends if I could join their group. They said, "of course." At that time, I was extremely bad at throwing a football, but, in a couple of weeks, I got the hang of it. I threw a spiral and all my friends said, "there you go, I knew you could do it!" Then they said, "remember, three-step drop back, that helps get a good throw." Now look at me, I'm quarterback for my team at school!

Q: Do you have any advice for other girls who may want to play?

A: My advice for girls who want to play football is to practice, practice, practice! Don't let any of the boys boss you around. Be yourself. My first year playing tackle football I always got made fun of in the locker room. They were saying, "Why is a girl in here? She's not playing with us is she?" My mom would always come in the locker room with me to help me get dressed. She told them to stop, so they did. My first year on Pop Warner, I played nose tackle. One team we played had much bigger boys than our team. My coach told me to go through the line low and skinny so I could make a sack. Right after, I went back into the game and got a sack. I walked over to my coach and he gave me a high five! So any girl who is reading this article, I say play any sport you want to play. No matter if it's soccer, football, or basketball, don't let anybody get in your way. Be you, practice, and have fun doing it.

Q: Who inspires you to do your best on and off the field?

A: My mom! She is always there for me when I need her the most. She supports me in any sport I want to play. She cheers in the stands so loud I can hear her on the field. Shouting through her megaphone, "GO MARLO!!!" Off the field, she pushes me to try my best in school or at home. She lets me be myself and loves me for who I am. Thank you MOM!!!

Q: A healthy lifestyle includes exercise and nutrition. What are your favorite pregame meals to get ready for a big game? What are some of your favorite healthy snacks?

A: I like carrots, strawberries, cucumbers, watermelon, apples, green beans, potatoes and grapes! For big games, I like to have protein. If it's a morning game, I'll eat bacon or sausage with eggs. If it's in the afternoon, I'll have a hot dog or some kind of meat.

Q: How do you balance playing sports and doing well in school?

A: Fortunately, my teacher gives us time during class to finish our homework. Most times, I finish in school and don't have to do homework at home. During football season, I always make sure my homework is done before I leave for practice so I can focus on my practice and not worry about finishing homework after that. I can just come home and get ready for bed.

Q: What’s your favorite football memory?

A: My favorite football memory is when I made my first touchdown. I ran my route and I could see the ball being thrown to me. I thought to myself, "Am I really going to catch this ball?" Then the ball landed right in my hands and I ran as fast as I could to the end zone. The boys from the other team tried to catch me but they couldn't. I ran to the sidelines and my teammates and coaches all gave me high fives!