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Sean Payton slimed by Nickelodeon following Saints' wild-card win

Ever wonder how a team fresh out of Gatorade would celebrate a big win? Well, the Saints just might have the answer.

Two days before New Orleans faced the Chicago Bears in a game seen by fans of all ages on CBS and Nickelodeon, coach Sean Payton volunteered to be slimed if his squad won.

After the Saints' 21-9 victory on Sunday afternoon, Payton was asked if he would follow through on his promise. The 57-year-old coach answered the question faster than you can say "Welcome to Good Burger."

"I am. They're waiting so as soon as I finish here, I told Nickeloden that I would do it. I just saw the buckets and, yeah, we're going to do that here in a few minutes," Payton said not long before taking his green shower.

From virtual slime cannons that doused the end zone every time there was a touchdown to a giant SpongeBob graphic wedged between the goal posts during field goals, this game was absurdly fun. Oh, and who could forget Young Sheldon giving the referees a run for their money with his A+ rule breakdowns?

Payton's sliming, which can be seen below, was the perfect ending to an action-packed day for "Who Dat Nation" before they have to get serious again when the Buccaneers come to town next week.

"It was pretty cold. It felt like Jello that's not quite finished being Jello," Payton said.

Often seen as a big influencer in the sport, Payton knows how to make football as fun as a Saturday morning cartoon. There's a good chance, though, the other 31 head coaches want zero parts of his latest escapade.