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Sam Bradford says Rams are on cusp of playoffs

The St. Louis Rams reside in perhaps the toughest division in football, but enigmatic quarterback Sam Bradford believes the team is on the precipice of big things.

In fact, Bradford told NFL Media's Michelle Beisner in an interview that ran on Thursday's "NFL Total Access" that the Rams are primed for their first postseason action since 2004.

"Obviously this is a big year for this organization, we really feel like we're right on the cusp of taking that next step and becoming a playoff team," Bradford said. "And I think everyone in our building and our locker room believes that we can do that and that's why we're out here giving it everything we have right now."

In order to get a taste of the playoffs, Bradford will have to finally come into his own. Since being selected with the No. 1 overall pick in the 2010 NFL Draft, the 26-year-old has been a vast disappointment. He's been unable to stay healthy, missing 15 games over the past three seasons, and when Bradford's on the field, he's made frustrating plays at the worst possible time.

Still, there's always a play or two from Bradford that makes you think he can turn on the switch and make the jump from mediocre signal-caller to bonafide starter. A new weapon the Rams acquired this year -- Kenny Britt -- could aid him in his quest.

"He was out here just talking back and forth with our DBs letting them know that he was going to beat them, and sure enough first two, first three routes are one-on-ones," Bradford said. "He runs two go-routes for touchdowns so his spirit, it's just been great for us."

The Rams will need Bradford to make the leap to realize his lofty aspirations for the team.

The latest "Around The League Podcast" breaks down Colin Kaepernick's new contract and debates which players are poised for a breakout.