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Ryan Clark: My concussions are overblown for Steelers

Pittsburgh Steelers safety Ryan Clark will play Sunday vs. the Baltimore Ravens despite having suffered two concussions since Oct. 28. The most recent was six days ago.

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"People make this more dramatic than it is, and there is no drama involved in the decisions I've made," Clark told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. "I've only had two (concussions) and I've been playing football since I was 5. There are people with eight and 10 who still continue to play. There are people on this team who have had tons more concussions than I have who still continue to play."

Clark isn't concerned with the concussions and has no plans to adjust his style of play.

"If it's the fourth quarter, (and a ) two-minute drive and a guy's trying to catch the ball, I'm going to sell out every time until I'm not playing," Clark said. "When I decide I can't play the way I've always played, I'll stop playing football, period."

Clark has switched helmets to one with the highest rating for absorbing hits. He also lines the inside with Kevlar to reduce impact. Clark's concussions were sustained from hits to the side of the head.

"There are some risks the way I play, and to not play how I play would render me very ineffective as a player," Clark said. "So I've got to continue playing the way I've played for 11 years."

These questions will be raised every time a player is concussed. Brain injuries are now in the forefront of everyone's mind. That's not a bad thing.

Follow Kareem Copeland on Twitter @kareemcopeland.