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Rob Gronkowski to host upcoming UConn Q&A session

If you had the opportunity to ask Rob Gronkowski one question, what would it be? Would it even involve football?

The New England Patriots tight end will be on the University of Connecticut campus in three weeks for "An evening with GRONK" where "he will be sharing some of his most intriguing stories and facts about his life inside and out of the National Football League," USA Today reported.

We've got our own questions: Will Gronk be required to wear a shirt? Will he invite female audience members onto the stage? Will he spike the microphone at the end? The possibilities are endless.

Ultimately, will Gronkowski be issued a chaperone while on campus? Because we know how an evening with Gronk can go down.

(Note: This is in no way meant to vilify Gronkowski's love for life. We live vicariously through him.)

(Second note: If you had to choose one, what would it be? "An evening with GRONK" or "Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth?" Just curious.)

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