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Quick Take: Redskins at Giants

Last meeting
In a game with severe winds and tough playing conditions, the Redskins won their second of a season-ending four-game winning streak by **beating the host Giants, 22-10**.

The Giants have won three of the past four. They lead the overall series, 85-61-4.

Keep your eye on ...

Giants DE Mathias Kiwanuka: The third-year player out of Boston College is being counted on to replace Pro Bowler Osi Umenyiora, who went down with a season-ending knee injury during the preseason. Getting pressure on the quarterback is vital in Steve Spagnuolo's attacking scheme and Kiwanuka has suddenly been thrust into a crucial role for the Giants.

Giants TE Kevin Boss: It was in last year's loss to the Redskins in Week 15 that Boss become the starter for the Giants. Jeremy Shockey left that game with a broken leg and Boss filled in by scoring a touchdown. He is now alone atop the depth chart with Shockey in New Orleans.

Redskins coach Jim Zorn: A rookie head coach, Zorn will man the sidelines as the chief decision maker for the first time in a regular-season game Thursday night. He will be tested as he matches wits with veteran coach Tom Coughlin.

Redskins safety LaRon Landry: The second-year safety missed the entire preseason with a persistent hamstring injury and comes into the season-opener with only a week of practice under his belt since the start of training camp. Against the explosive Giants, the Redskins will need Landry to be 100 percent.

Did you know?
This is the second time that each of these teams has made an appearance in the Kickoff game. The Giants beat the 49ers in the first edition of the game in 2002 and the Redskins knocked off the Jets in 2003. Get the complete history of the Kickoff game.