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Quick Take: London fans get a real treat and NFL Network reporter Ian Rapoport has his thoughts on the game:

Why this game is intriguing: If you're going to showcase one thing to the London-based fans, why not Tom Brady and the New England Patriots? Considering they have one of the league's biggest support systems overseas, it's a no-brainer. Either way, this is a treat for the British. For those watching on TV from home, it's a surprisingly good game. The St. Louis Rams can really cover, thanks to Cortland Finnegan and Janoris Jenkins, and the Pats haven't thrived on the outside, even with the addition of Brandon Lloyd. In addition, St. Louis boasts an up-and-coming defensive line ready to torment Brady. A few weeks ago, this might have seemed like a romp. Yet the Patriots have shown uncharacteristic vulnerabilities on offense. The Rams have a real chance for an upset across the pond.

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