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Playoff system long overdue for college football

We spend all day long talking about the NFL here, but word that the BCS commissioners have reached consensus on a model four-team seeded playoff is enough to pull us away for a moment.

Football fans have been throwing pebbles at this darkened window for eons. Someone has finally woken up inside the house of college football.

The NFL has grown to massive scale by listening to the millions of people who love the game.

Football fans want one champion.

You can have your Coaches Poll, your Harris Interactive Poll and your shimmering computer rankings. Fans of college football deserve to see a winner decided on the field.

Look no further than the Super Bowl for proof. Mothers, toddlers, your vegan uncle -- people who've never pondered the existence of the "Tuck Rule" -- most of them have found themselves in a room watching the Super Bowl. It kills in ratings, it's become a national holiday. College football has the chance to celebrate its champion with similar and appropriate fanfare. This would only grow the game.

The bowl-game system has its merits, most based on schools making money. Try explaining the BCS system to a new friends at a dinner party. Watch their eyes glaze over. Watch them float away mentally. With a four-team playoff, those days are over.

The playoff model will be presented to the university presidents next week for approval. This is their chance to show us they've learned something.