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Play NFL Flag

NFL Flag is the non-contact version of American Football, played 5-a-side with players requiring flag belts and a football to play. Your team attempts to score points by having possession of the football in the endzone, scoring a touchdown which is worth 6 points.

Your team is split into offense and defense. Offense has 4 downs (or attempts) to cross the halfway line, where they will be awarded another 4 downs to score. They do this by moving the ball forward to gain yards, by either passing the ball or running with the ball. Defense attempt to stop the offense from scoring by pulling the flag of the ball carrier or by intercepting the ball. There is no kicking in this format.

NFL Flag football field

NFL Flag can be played on any surface with the size of the field adjusted to the space you have available. Two endzones are marked out at either end which is where we score touchdowns. A 5-yard line is marked 5 yards from each endzone, this is where the game will start. This also marks the no run zone. Plays starting in the no run zone must be a passing play. After scoring a touchdown you can attempt to score 1 point from the 5-yard line or 2 points from the 10-yard line. The offense gains another 4 downs once they cross the halfway line.

NFL Flag Rules

For a complete list of NFL Flag Football rules, please download the full rule book **here** and mini rules **here**.