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Pick Six: Days that should be national holidays

When you look around the world, a lot of countries are very generous with their time off. The United States? Not so much. Sure, most of us get the standard two weeks, and about six to eight paid holidays. That is not nearly enough.

Especially when you consider some of the great sporting events that happen during the week, too.

So here are six national holidays that should be added to our calendar.

Considered: Jan. 18, but that was merely for personal reasons.

And without further ado:

6. NFL Founders Day, Aug. 20
We should take time out every summer to reflect on one of the greatest inventions, well ever.

5. Halloween
This one is a toughie because there was something magical about going to school in your Halloween costume. So this is going to strictly be a holiday for adults so we can have a chance to have fun, too.

And on a personal aside, this has always been a day of mourning here in Southern California since the Los Angeles Rams traded Eric Dickerson to the Colts on October 31, 1987. Talk about your ultimate horror stories.

4. Dean Martin's birthday, June 7
Wanted to commemorate one birthday, and this was a toss up between Martin and Chuck Bednarik (May 1). But know Concrete Charlie as we do, he wouldn’t want us lazy bums slacking on his birthday, so we’ll take a day for a little ring-a-ding-ding for the coolest person ever. And since it’s right next to D-Day, let’s make this a two-day affair.

3. Opening Day for baseball
There is nothing quite like putting on the short sleeves and watching baseball in the early days of spring. Well, unless you are a Yankees fan and your team spent $1.5 billion on a stadium with no retractable roof.

And for the record, the Angels and Padres are opening the 2011 baseball season on the road. That makes sense.

2. The first two days of March Madness
And the real start of March Madness, too. Not that fake first-round with those play-in games. Seriously, does any work get done these two days anyway?

Added bonus, St. Patrick's Day is typically around this time.

1. Monday after the Super Bowl
The battle lines in this country are derisively drawn. Red states, blue states. Less filling, tastes great. But everybody agrees, the Super Bowl kicks ass. So why must we go through the motions of pretending to work the next day? And to borrow from President Whitmore in Independence Day, the day after the Super Bowl will no longer be an American holiday, but as the day the world declared in one voice, "football is awesome, and I’m not working tomorrow."

How has that not happened yet?