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Peyton Manning visits with U.S. troops in Afghanistan

Peyton Manning, four-time NFL MVP and noted good dude, was among a group of athletes and celebrities who visited troops at Camp Leatherneck in Afghanistan on Friday.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers wide receiver Vincent Jackson and free-agent receiver Austin Collie also were present.

The Broncos' official team site reported that Manning and Collie took to the stage to explain a drill that shows how a quarterback and receiver "connect" on the field. Later, Manning tried the same routine by throwing passes to Lance Cpl. Terrill M. Clark.

Clark dropped the first pass from Manning, but he pulled in the second pass.

Manning later presented Maj. Gen W. Lee Miller with a signed football on behalf of the NFL.

"I want you to have this football to remind you guys we are thinking about you and praying for y'all to return safely," Manning said.

Important outreach to people who deserve it.

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