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Ozzy the bear makes his Super Bowl XLIX prediction

Everyone has a prediction for Super Bowl XLIX. Heck, I think every employee at NFL Media had a prediction in this expansive piece (except for us fantasy writers). But I digress. The real reason I've been summoned to write about predictions is because Ozzy the bear (yes, a real bear) has made his prediction for the big game.

Ozzy rose to national fame two years ago when he correctly chose the Baltimore Ravens as the eventual NFL champions. His Denver Broncos prediction last year, however, was not so celebrated -- for obvious reason.

Ozzy's selection process, as you can see in the video above courtesy of, is nothing more than him eating a banana cake with one of the team's logos drawn on the top in frosting.

However, the best part of the video isn't even the prediction. It's the psuedo-interaction between Jeff Ewelt, the ZooMontana Executive Director who is interviewed in the video, and the anchor reporting on the story:

"Never has he come out and not immediately taken a bite. What that tells me is that this game is going to be a close one to call," Ewelt explained.

"Is that really what it means to you, dude? Come on." the anchor replied as the clip finished, his disdain for this story roiling beneath the surface.

First of all -- "dude"? Did Meathead Rob Lowe take over delivering the story, and start saying "dude" instead of "bro"? Second of all -- why take a shot at this innocent, bear enthusiast? If analyzing Ozzy's predictions is what gets him out of bed in the morning, then more power to him.

Any way, we'll have to wait until Sunday to see if Ozzy can improve his Super Bowl predicting record to 2-1. Even if he does, though, he's still a long ways from matching Paul the Octopus, who boasted an 11-2 record with his soccer predictions. Rest in peace, Paul.

And can the game please start already?

-- Follow Alex on Twitter @AlexGelhar