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Ole Miss fans urging Peyton Manning to take coaching reins

Peyton Manning's eventual return to the field will mark one of the biggest moments in this (or the next) NFL season, but a riled-up gang of Mississippians are promoting another career move altogether:

Hang up the cleats and coach their Ole Miss Rebels back to glory.

With coach Houston Nutt on the way out, former Rebels legend Archie Manning was named co-chairman of the selection committee to find a replacement. Archie said this week he's been slammed with requests for his son, Peyton, to take over the program.

"I've gotten about 20 or 25 e-mails from people in that regard," Archie Manning told The Commercial Appeal on Monday night. "I passed that on to Peyton. He said, 'Just tell them that I'm 0-10 as an assistant for Indianapolis.' "

From what we can gather, far less -- if any -- e-mails were sent urging Eli Manning to take over, a nod to his steady season with the Giants and a telling reminder of the stark perception by some regarding Peyton's future as a player.

The Colts, of course, claim Peyton would cordially accept the drafting of his successor, namely Stanford's Andrew Luck.


It's hard to envision a world where that development would please the man who's been the face of the Indianapolis franchise since Luck was collecting baseball cards and watching "The Electric Company" in his basement.