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NFL teams get creative with schedule reveals

Yesterday was NFL schedule release day and plenty of teams got creative with their reveals on social media. Gone are the days of posting a list with the team logo stamped. Your favorite teams used mascots, artists and lots of culinary dishes to reveal whom they will face next season. Check out a few of them below.


So, in 2017, Julio Jones is going to finally reveal that his ridiculous play is the result of him being an Android. Gotcha.


The 49ers should really have a disclaimer at the beginning of this. Masklophobia is real, people.


Word is Eddie Lacy was the creative director for this video. JK.


Good ol' Pats fans are always here to help those of us who suffer from amnesia.


This was good but it would've been amazing if it turned into an elevator dance party with an OBJ cameo.


The sweet taste of victory and social media creativity FTW.


Reason No. 47 why employees should be allowed to have smoke machines at their desks. Productivity and coolness levels would go up exponentially.


Again with the mascots?! flashes back to unspeakable horrors of my first trip to Disneyland schedules next therapy appointment


Note to self: Order every single one of these for delivery this weekend. Also, begin to draft "out sick" email due to food coma.


Summer bod plans looking like ...


This is easily the most relaxing video I've seen in awhile. It's the polar opposite of trypophobia. Don't google that term. Just trust us on this one.


Props to Philly for putting a twist on this Carson Wentz classic. Here's the original.


This clip had star power, creativity and the childhood birthday nostalgia feel to it. Ain't no party like a Lions reveal party! Eh, doesn't quite have a ring to it but you get what I mean.