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Mark Sanchez: Jets' offense 'perfect' in first practice

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The New York Daily News said Sanchez "outshined" Tim Tebow during the New York Jets' first full practice. The offense played well overall. (No word on how new wideout Antonio Cromartie looked.)

"Exactly what we wanted," Sanchez said of the practice session. "The pace, the tempo, the excitement. That was perfect. Exactly what coach (Tony) Sparano was preaching to us last night."

"I felt like it went really well as an offense," Tebow said. "I felt like we did some really good things. I felt pretty good about how I played out there."

Some other notes from Jets practice:

  1. Rex Ryan said he was the "best defensive coach" in the NFL. If that's true, Sanchez and Tebow shouldn't have many practice days like Friday. Ryan says he'll be more involved on defense this year, possibly calling plays.

2.Santonio Holmes and Sanchez both lauded rookie wide receiver Stephen Hill. "Steve is going to be exciting," Holmes said.

  1. Ryan won't make excuses if the defense doesn't perform this year. "I have everything in place right now," Ryan said. "There is no question about it."