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Keenan Allen on Raiders hat: I'm sorry, Chargers fans

Imagine you've been drafted into the NFL.

Congrats, by the way. That's a nice achievement. Buy your mom a house.

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Now, imagine you were drafted by a team other than the team you grew up rooting for. Imagine the team that now employs you is the arch-rival of your favorite team. How quickly would you be able to abandon allegiances?

Perhaps we should ask Keenan Allen. The rookie wide receiver -- a third-round choice by the San Diego Chargers -- recently posted a Vine video of himself sipping on a beverage while wearing a black Oakland Raiders cap.

The Chargers and Raiders are rivals, of course, going all the way back to their days together in the hardscrabble AFL.

Allen removed the video following an avalanche of criticism. The inevitable mea culpa soon followed.

Truth be told, we don't even know if Allen is/was an actual Raiders fan. He could be an N.W.A. nostalgist. He might just like pirates. Or a cool autumn wind.

Regardless, all Raiders gear should be kept in storage indefinitely.

Follow Dan Hanzus on Twitter @DanHanzus.