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J.J. Watt's endorsement puts school project over the top

You break a few fridge magnets out when your homework gets J.J. Watt's endorsement.

You break all the fridge magnets out when that homework spawns an impromptu commercial -- like it did for this Houston-area grade schooler's marketing project.

This little bit of Energy Chips advertising just reached Watt's 5.45 million Twitter followers. That's an instant A-plus.

Watt was a good teammate to include fellow Texan Will Fuller in on the Energy Chips pitch. Fuller repaid Watt by promptly delivering the acting job of a lifetime.

It's clear Watt and Fuller's next Pro Bowl runs will be fueled by Energy Chips. After all, it only takes one bag to fuel Watt for an entire day.

Opposing teams would not be "hype" to find out what Watt and Co. could do with two bags.