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Is Tony Romo an offensive coordinator in training?

Does Tony Romo have designs on a future career in coaching?

We've never heard the Dallas Cowboys quarterback publicly express a desire to remain on the sidelines after his playing days end, but that passion exists, according to an interesting tidbit passed along by Peter King.

"Most players don't like the obsessive grind of coaching, but I hear Dallas QB Tony Romo's different," King wrote on

"He'd like to be a coordinator one day," said a person close to Romo.

King added that Romo will attend game plan meetings this season and have input on plays that will go into each week's game plan. That checks out with what owner/general manager Jerry Jones said about Romo in May.

"The people who are around him the most, his coaches, tell me he's never had a bad idea," Jones said. "So if you think about it, where he is right now, he's 10 years older than most of the players that are out on that field. We think his skill level is very much right where we hoped it would be for several years to come.

"But what we want to use more than we ever have, is the kind of thing that (Roger) Staubach contributed on the field," Jones added. "Real input into designing a plan that helps beat that opponent."

Can Romo be a successful offensive coordinator in the NFL? We don't see why not. Jones groomed Jason Garrett from QB to coordinator to head coach. Perhaps Romo is on the same path.

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