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Grad student becomes crusader to make sure helmets are inflated

Monday's health and safety news from the world of football:

  • The Boston Globe profiled Carnegie Mellon graduate student Thomas Healy, who started a company, HeadSmart Labs, that aims to develop new tests for helmets used in contact sports, guidelines on how they should be worn, and benchmarks for when they should be replaced.
  • WESA-FM in Pittsburgh reported how the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and the University of Pittsburgh have teamed up to test a concussion tool.
  • The Baltimore Sun reported that Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings praised the NFLPA for approving a new drug testing policy that includes HGH testing.
  • Forbes Magazine wrote that the NCAA has gotten serious about protecting its athletes with new concussion and safety guidelines.
  • the Innovative Athletic Performance Institute, which is trying to improve athletic performance while reducing injuries.
  • at the wives of area high school football coaches.
  • about his decision to let his son play tackle football.
  • Norwalk's Katherine Snedaker, who has created a seminar for concussion management for schools.

-- Bill Bradley, contributing editor