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Goodell to review reduction of Tank Johnson's suspension

BUFFALO, N.Y. -- NFL commissioner Roger Goodell will review next week whether to reduce Dallas Cowboys defensive tackle Tank Johnson's suspension from eight to six games.

"I did talk to Tank about a week ago and I'm going to be reviewing his case shortly," Goodell said Monday. "He has been doing some very positive things about changing his life and making better decisions going forward."

Goodell said he plans to begin his review next week, but did not hint which way he might be leaning.

"I'm not leaning anywhere," Goodell said before attending the Bills' Monday night game against the Dallas Cowboys. "I want to look at the facts and monitor and understand where we're going."

Johnson, who signed a two-year contract with the Cowboys last month, is serving an eight-game NFL suspension for violating probation on a gun charge, one of several run-ins with the law that led the Chicago Bears to release him in June.

Goodell has previously said he'd consider reducing the player's suspension to six games. If that happened, Johnson would be eligible to play with the Cowboys after Dallas hosts New England this weekend.

Johnson has been working out at the Cowboys facility, and has been in regular contact with Goodell.

"I've made it very clear to Tank that, `You could say all the things you want. It's how you act,'" Goodell said. "He needs to make better decisions. And he needs to demonstrate that through his behavior. And I think he understands that. And I'm hopeful he's going to do that."

"We all make mistakes," Goodell added. "And now he can be someone that really demonstrates to people that you can make a turnaround in your life. You can do things right."

Goodell provided no update on the uncertain status of Denver Broncos running back Travis Henry, who played Sunday, and is attempting to prevent the league from suspending him over the result of a drug test result.

"I got an update on Friday afternoon. I've got to talk to our people a little bit more about where we are with that," Goodell said. "But we'll be dealing with it on a timely basis."

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