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Ex-teammates have doubts about Moss' NFL comeback

NFL Network analysts Warren Sapp and Heath Evans, both former teammates of Randy Moss, believe it will be difficult for the six-time Pro Bowl wide receiver to find his way back into the NFL.

"I've already played with Moss (in Oakland). ... I just called Randy a front-runner," Sapp said last week on 'The Dan Patrick Show.' "I didn't want to say that he had quit him, but that's pretty much what it is."

"When everything is good, it's wonderful, it's great," Sapp added. "But when a little adversity hits, it's uh-uh, no-no-no don't ask me to help us come out of this."

Evans was a teammate of Moss with the Patriots in 2007, the season he set an NFL record with 23 receiving touchdowns. Evans said it wasn't a lack of discipline or declining skills that set the wheels in motion for Moss's departure from New England.

“The bottom line, his work ethic, or his route-running ability, or taking plays off wasn’t what got him traded,” Evans told the Boston Herald. “What got him traded was breaking the Patriots code. He ran his mouth in the media and handled things the wrong way. I don’t know if Bill (Belichick) can find it in his heart to forgive him and trust him again."