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Eli Manning beats expectations, this time on 'SNL'

As the most loyal "Saturday Night Live" fan I know, it only seemed right that I put together a review of Eli Manning's turn as host. (Even if this idea sounded a whole lot better in the middle of the week.)

I'll even give Manning a grade at the end. Unlike draft grades, at least there's an actual performance to base it on!

Here were the best moments:

5. Monologue: It's traditionally the toughest and worst skit for any host, but Eli did just fine, with a little help from his offensive line in the crowd. Always a smart move to keep the big guys happy.

4. Motion capture touchdown dances: Yes, Eli Manning did some Tebowing while in a bodysuit. The skit felt like it just missed, but it's hard not to appreciate the effort of Eli showing he's game for anything. And creating a touchdown dance that mimics eating a sandwich that was dropped on the ground.

3. Eli crossdressing, looking like Big Bird, as a woman named "Chicken Fried Steak." Safe to say he's going to get some grief in the locker room for this one.

2. On trial: Eli is on trial for a murder he couldn't have committed because he was too busy sending desperate texts to women at the time. Including one picture with a banana that might be on the cover of the New York tabloids. He imitates faces of emoticons and not-so-subtly makes fun of Brett Favre all in one skit. A classic.

1. Eli's "Little Brothers" charity. The answer to Peyton Manning's United Way ad. Manning mentors kids on how to take revenge on domineering older brothers. I can't quote most of the lines because this is a family website. "Maybe now you'll treat your little brother with a little respect, Peyton!" Eli yells at some kid, while slamming a car trunk door on him.

Let's give Eli a B+. As athlete hosts go, he looked like Sean Penn compared to Tom Brady, Michael Phelps and Michael Jordan. Eli went for it. He might have even topped his brother.

The performance was a lot like Eli's career. We had low expectations, but he wound up looking cool under pressure.