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Driven Stronger: Ravens will stay physical this week

Well, this is it, America.

Championship Week. All the marbles. Title fight. Main event.

We've made it to the last game of the season against a group of guys and gals who do this for a living. Just think about how awesome that is. I made a number of team management decisions on my own, but your decisions are a big reason we're still playing. There are still plenty of decisions to make, and there are undoubtedly more to come this week. Submit your votes and then stay tuned to that page, because I'm going to need your help to topple Adam Rank's El Presidente regime. He edged us earlier this year, but given the choice between then and now, I think it's safe to assume we'd all choose to win this one.

For now, here is a group of guys who I think will be extra pumped for the penultimate week of the regular season:

John Juhasz is a fantasy editor at Follow him on Twitter: @JohnJuhasz