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Dallas Cowboys most valuable NFL franchise

Jerry Jones has a lot to be happy about this week: His Dallas Cowboys not only started off the 2012 season with a big road win against the Super Bowl-champion New York Giants, but Forbes magazine has ranked the Cowboys the most valuable franchise in the NFL.

According to Forbes' annual listing, the Cowboys are worth a whopping $2.1 billion.

Jones bought the Cowboys and the lease to their former stadium in 1989 for $150 million. He built the massive new Cowboys Stadium, which opened in 2009.

The New England Patriots were second on the list at $1.64 billion, followed by the Washington Redskins at $1.6 billion.

Forbes reported that the average NFL franchise is worth $1.1 billion, or 7 percent more than last year.

The magazine also has a cover story on one of the NFL's newest owners, Shahid Khan of the Jacksonville Jaguars.