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D'Brickashaw Ferguson says Jets have 'greatness'

They say never to discuss politics or religion at a dinner party. At New York Jets training camp, expect a similar taboo viewpoint for questions that involve both Mark Sanchez and Tim Tebow.

The guys on "The Dave Dameshek Football Program" did their best to draw some Sanchez/Tebow debate out of call-in guest D'Brickashaw Ferguson on Tuesday, but the Jets left tackle wasn't biting.

Who can throw a football farther? No comment. Who wears better suits? Pass. Better musical taste? Nada. More likely to see "The Dark Knight Rises"? Not even close.

The uncertainty of the Jets' quarterback position is the massive storm cloud that rests ominously above Florham Park, but good luck getting anyone in the organization to acknowledge it.

For what it's worth, Ferguson believes Sanchez's three seasons of experience -- both in success and failure -- makes him "the perfect man for the job."

"We're going to do some nice things this year. The focus should be on what's gonna happen this year, and what's in our power to do," he said. "We have greatness written all over us. It's just a matter of time."

Opinions vary on that last part, but Ferguson sounds convinced that last season's 8-8 record was a fluke rather than the forecast of a hard rain about to fall.