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Cam Newton busts out the sideline floss in opener

Years ago, a rookie quarterback named Mark Sanchez found himself at the center of an only-in-New York controversy when he was spotted wolfing down a hot dog late in a Jets win over the Raiders.

Sanchez was ripped for "NOT RESPECTING THE GAME" and related typical nonsense, and now I'm left to wonder how the football cognoscenti will react to this ...

That's Cam Newton getting a floss in during the Panthers' season-opening loss to the Broncos on Thursday night. It is one of the weirdest things I've ever seen go down on an NFL sideline. This exchange between Al and Cris during the NBC telecast was special:

Carolina's 10-point lead quickly evaporated after Cam worked on his pearly whites. Also, flossing might be a waste of time.

We'll let you know if the electric toothbrush or night guard comes out before the night is through.

UPDATE: Newton has offered an explanation for Flossgate. "I was eating oranges at halftime."