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Broncos send care package to family of tornado victim

The Denver Broncos have reached out to the family of a 28-year-old fan who gave his life to save his family during the May 22 tornado that devastated Joplin, Mo., *The Denver Post* reported.

Steven Stephens and his wife, Tasha, were in the process of transporting a friend who was suffering chest pains to the St. John’s Regional Medical Center emergency room when the tornado hit. The hospital was among many of the structures that were completely destroyed by the tornado, which killed more than 150 people. The Post reports Stephens managed to free his wife from their car in front of emergency room and helped her, his mother-in-law and some friends to safety before a sports utility vehicle landed on him.

When the Broncos learned of Stephens' story, they sent a care package with jerseys, autographed pictures and condolence cards to Tasha and her three children -- 7-year-old David, 6-year-old Alexander and 4-year-old Alaris.

"He loved that team," Tasha Stephens said Thursday. "To me, he was a hero."

At St. John's, a mobile hospital has been set up until a temporary hospital can be put into place.