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Brave journo attempts to make Bill Belichick laugh

When you raise your hand during a Bill Belichick press conference, be sure to remember what Omar said on The Wire: "You come at the king, you best not miss."

If you're at all familiar with the mechanics of a Belichick presser -- a fragile ballet of human interaction detailed beautifully in this feature from Anthony Gulizia -- you probably know it takes time to get into the Patriots coach's circle of trust (we're using trust in a relative sense here).

You might have to sit on the sidelines for a season or more to get his attention and -- in a best-case scenario -- begrudging respect. When you do get your opportunity, don't waste his time. Because if you anger The Hooded One, you could be cast out forever. Forever, I say!

Something tells me that Rhode Island sports guy Mark Dondero is either a) unaware of the unwritten BB presser rules or b) was willing to bravely sacrifice himself on a kamikaze mission to make the old man laugh.

And you know what? He almost did it! Sure, Dondero is now probably in an underground prison two miles beneath Gillette Stadium, but he almost made Belichick chuckle. Well, smile at least.

The Patriots graciously opted not to omit the exchange from their official transcript:

Nice effort, Mark Dondero. I hope you get to see your family again.