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Bold predictions: Many teams' 0's will go

It's time for another round of bold predictions from the Around The NFL team. Remember, these predictions are not for the faint of heart.

Half the undefeated teams will lose

The Falcons' loss on Thursday night makes this prediction a little easier to imagine, but none of the undefeated teams have gimmes this week. The Broncos are banged up and the Browns' offense is playing better. Carolina is deservedly an underdog in Seattle. Folks just assume the Colts will roll over against New England at this stage, but any team with Andrew Luck is going to have a chance. Buffalo is a dangerous defense for the Bengals to face off and the Packers' offense has been struggling the last two weeks. Put it all together and it smells like a week for all this undefeated madness to slow down. I'd roll with the Panthers and Bengals as the most likely teams to lose. -- Gregg Rosenthal

Bills bang up Dalton

The Bengals are for real on both sides of the ball, but their perfect start is about to come to an end. Rex Ryan will have his Bills defense ready for Andy Dalton and a Cincy passing attack that has torched teams with aggressive throws downfield. The Bengals haven't faced a defensive front like this, though, and Buffalo is a beast to deal with at home -- even if Tyrod Taylor sits. -- Marc Sessler

Coach will draw a ridiculous penalty and cost his team the game

This weekend has the makings for one of the most intense we've seen so far. Dan Campbell leads the Dolphins out of the tunnel for the first time. Chuck Pagano faces off against Bill Belichick again. The Seahawks look to remove the Carolina Panthers from undefeatedland. All of this pent up animosity may be ready to spill over in the form of an epic coaching failure, or at least something as Vine-worthy as Mike Tomlin getting in the way of a kick returner. After one of their own was suspended this week, officials will be on high alert. Their kingdom is crumbling, and they won’t be taking any sass from a fired up play caller. -- Conor Orr

Bradford, Murray go for 300 yards passing, 100 yards rushing

The Eagles' offense showed legitimate signs of life last week against a bad Saints defense. They get another subpar D on Monday night against the Giants, and Chip Kelly's squad will take full advantage of their opportunity. We predict Sam Bradford goes over 300 yards for the second consecutive week and DeMarco Murray does something we haven't seen in 2015 -- he'll rush over 100 yards. Kelly's offense has been one of the NFL's biggest disappointments so far, but there will be reason for legitimate optimism by Tuesday morning. The Genius ain't dead. -- Dan Hanzus