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Barack Obama vouches for New York Jets' Tim Tebow

Having successfully delivered his message to Michael Vick, President of the United States (and rising NFL pundit) Barack Obama now turns his attention to analysis of the New York Jets' quarterback situation.

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The commander-in-chief was a guest on WBNS-FM in Columbus, Ohio, on Thursday, sharing his opinion on the Jets' two-headed quarterback monster of Mark Sanchez and Tim Tebow.

"I gotta tell you, I dont like the idea of a quarterback controversy at the start of a season," Obama said, via the New York Daily News. "So if I was a Jets fan, I'd be pretty nervous. Sanchez is not Tom Brady yet, but he led them to the playoffs two years in a row. I think Tim Tebow seems to be a wonderful young man, and he's got just a great winning attitude. He really steps up when things count."

"But there's going to be a lot of tension in that situation," Obama said. "So it'll be pretty interesting to see how it plays itself out."

Obama likely gained some begrudging respect for Tebow when the quarterback -- then with the Denver Broncos -- engineered one of his more miraculous comebacks against Obama's beloved Chicago Bears last December.

We're sure Sanchez will be just thrilled to take questions about the President breathlessly vouching for his backup. If Sanchez wasn't voting for Mitt Romney before, he is now.