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Baltimore Ravens extend John Harbaugh's contract

ORLANDO, Fla. -- John Harbaugh's disappointing follow-up to winning a Super Bowl had a surprising postscript. The Baltimore Ravens gave him an extension.

Ravens owner Steve Biscotti said Monday that Harbaugh was given a one-year extension, according to The Baltimore Sun. Harbaugh is now signed for the next four seasons.

Biscotti said he wanted to show Harbaugh support after the team's down year, and he did it in the best way possible. Positive public comments are nice, but money says that Biscotti means it.

While the San Francisco 49ers manage the volatile Jim Harbaugh, the Ravens have enviable security at the top of their organization with John.

The latest "Around The League Podcast" analyzes all the DeSean Jackson trade rumors, plays running back roulette and welcomes Lance Briggs to the studio.