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Arian Foster on Vegan diet: 'I know what I'm doing'

Houston Texans running back Arian Foster already is tired of hearing about his Vegan diet. He believes he's the victim of slow time during the 24-hour NFL news cycle.

We agree. (Even if we're hoping to drive that news cycle.)

"There's nothing to talk about in the offseason -- that's why (my tweet) got so much attention," Foster told the Houston Chronicle. "Nobody asked what I ate last year. ... It’s just the flavor of the week. You’ll forget about it in a month."

Foster correctly points out that the Texans are on board with the plan. And he's done his research.

"I didn't just blindly stop eating meat. I know what I'm doing," Foster told Jason Cole of Yahoo! Sports.

Foster's streak of independent thinking runs back to his days at the University of Tennessee. He unnecessarily (and unfairly) was knocked by his former college coaches for not fitting in.

"Question everything," Foster said. "Don't take anything at face value. Find your own path and come to your own conclusions."

It should go without saying that of course you can be a Vegan and a successful NFL player. It's his right. It's a ridiculous criticism to raise.

I just don't personally know why you would want to be a Vegan because meat is awesome. My wife is a cook and no one loves meat more than cooks. They also know the most about food. That should tell you something, namely that meat is fantastic.