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Um, Tim Tebow is doing pretty well for the Mets

If you haven't been paying attention to Tim Tebow's minor league baseball career, I get it.

But let it be stated that the guy is doing pretty OK. In fact, that's an understatement. Tim Tebow is borderline thriving as a baseball player right now.


The New York Mets farmhand and former NFL quarterback blasted a walk-off home run on Thursday night night, leading the Class A St. Lucie Mets to a 5-4 comeback win over the Daytona Tortugas.

You wanna see the dong? I kinda feel like you might want to see the dong.

If you're thinking blind-squirrel-meets-acorn, think again. Tebow has now hit safely in 11 straight games for St. Lucie. He's batting .327 with three homers and 10 RBIs in 16 games since his promotion from Class A Columbia. The hell?

Tebow told reporters it was his first walk-off homer since his junior year at Nease High School in Florida.

"[The high school homer] was for the district championship," Tebow said, via "That felt pretty good, but this one was special."

Stay with me here. The Mets stink this year, sitting 12 games out in the NL East as the second half kicks off tonight. If Tebow continues to produce on the farm, is it that crazy to think he could be part of the big-league team's September call-ups?

Owners buy sports teams to make money and get publicity. Tebow would put butts in seats that would otherwise be empty that time of year. Timmy just needs to hit enough to give Mets brass an excuse. Tracking ...

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