Mike Singletary
Mike Singletary
Linebacker - Head Coach

Mike Singletary

"I would look to the right, I would look left, I would look down, I would look everywhere but Mike Singletary's eyes." - Warren Moon

Mike Singletary, the starting middle linebacker and anchor of the defense on the 1985 Bears’ Super Bowl team, won two Defensive Player of the Year awards, was an All-Pro seven times and a 1998 Hall of Fame inductee. One of the most intense players of his generation, Singletary’s passion, fire, and focus were manifested in his piercing, wide-open eyes that constantly scanned the field and unsettled offensive players. The 6-foot, 230-pound Singletary was a 1981 second round draft pick of the Bears who once compared himself to a coiled snake (“You don’t know when it’ll strike, and whoosh, it’s got you.”) Off the field, however, family members have described Singletary, who retired in 1992, as a sensitive, reflective, and artistic person – a “Teddy Bear,” according to one of his daughters – who cries during movies. His on-field intensity, though, was apparent during his three-year stint as head coach of the 49ers. In his first game in 2008, Singletary chewed out his tight end, Vernon Davis, following an unnecessary roughness penalty, and then ordered Davis into the locker room during the game over his displeasure with Davis’attitude.  "Cannot play with them, cannot win with them, cannot coach with them. Can't do it. I want winners," Singletary said.