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Bears, Bucs play for Brits; Tebow hopes for sunny homecoming

Besides Denver, Tim Tebow couldn't have picked a better place than Miami to make his 2011 debut as a starting quarterback. The Dolphins are even throwing a party for him, honoring the Florida Gators' 2008 BCS Championship team at halftime.

While Tebow returns to the state of his greatest glory, the Chicago Bears and Tampa Bay Buccaneers will make the longest road trip of the NFL season, crossing the Atlantic in the NFL's continuing effort to convince the British that football is a pretty good alternative to futbol.

The Broncos, Bears, Falcons and Seahawks are four teams in good position to get a difficult road win this week based on matchups, injuries, history and other circumstances.



Chicago at Tampa Bay (Sunday, 1 p.m. ET)



Seattle at Cleveland (Sunday, 1 p.m. ET)



Atlanta at Detroit (Sunday, 1 p.m. ET)



Denver at Miami (Sunday, 1 p.m. ET)

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